Tide991.com is now mobile! You live a mobile life, and now it's possible to stay connected to Tide 99.1 wherever you go. Our new mobile website makes everything you love about Tide991.com easier to access when you aren't sitting in front of a computer.

That means our live player, unlimited sports news, and 24/7 access to our on-air shows are right at your finger tips.

But that's only one reason to check out our new mobile site. We've got five more, right here:

1. You can use it NOW. No downloads, no installation. Just go to Tide991.com and bask in all that is mobile. It doesn't matter if you have an iPhone, Android, or something else altogether. You'll see our homepage laid out so you can easily find Alabama news, our listen live player, info on upcoming events, and lots more.

2. Mobile listening is ridiculously convenient. RadioPup is no longer the only way to listen to Tide 99.1 on the go. See that arrow in the upper right corner of the screen? That gives you instant access to our high-quality stream. Tap it to hear Tide 99.1 live, 24/7.

3. Mobile reading, watching, and commenting is ALSO ridiculously convenient. You can now check out all the articles on Tide 99.1, including news, videos, and more, while sitting on the bus, working out, or hey, even when you're in the bathroom. Never be lonely again!

4. Talk directly to our hosts (and tap into their sports minds) Just click the smiling face of any of our hosts to interact with them 24/7.

5. Miss an interview? Don't sweat it! Just visit the Audio link on the left side of the site and listen to past interviews with some of the top names in sports. Plus, revisit interviews with for Crimson Tide stars in our Alabama Legends Series.

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